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Viniyoga Postures for Scoliosis

Vajrasana, 4 times each side, one side at a time

Stand on knees with left arm over head and right arm folded behind back.
Warm up body, gently stretching back, one side at a time.
On exhale: Bend forward, pushing left arm forward and bringing chest to thighs and hand and forehead to floor.
On inhale: Return to starting position.
On exhale, bring chest to thighs before bringing buttocks to heels. On inhale, lift chest and arm, flattening upper back upon return.

Ardha Parsvottanasana , 4 times each side, one side at a time

Stand with left foot forward, right foot turned slightly outward, right arm over head, and left arm folded behind back.
Stretch and strengthen low back, one side at a time.
On exhale: Bend forward, flexing left knee and bringing chest toward left thigh and right hand to left foot.
On inhale: Lift chest and arm until torso is parallel to ground.

On exhale: Return to forward bend position.
On inhale: Return to starting position.
Stay stable on back heel and keep shoulders level throughout movement.

Dvipada Pitham adaptation, 4 times each side, alternately

Lie on back with arms down at sides, knees bent, and feet on floor, slightly apart and comfortably close to buttocks.
Stretch neck and upper back asymmetrically.
On inhale: Keeping chin down, press down on feet, raising pelvis and raising left arm up over head to floor behind, until neck is gently flattened on floor.
On exhale: Return to starting position, leaving left arm overhead.
On inhale: Move into upward position again.
On exhale: Return to starting position with arms at side.
On inhale, lift spine vertebra by bertebra from the bottom up. On exhale, unwind spine, coming down vertebra by vertebra.

Urdhva Prasarit Padasana, 6 times each side, one side at a time

Lie on back with both knees lifted toward chest, feet off floor. Gently stretch low back and stretch legs, emphasizing one side at a time.
On inhale: Extend left leg upward, raising right arm up and over head to floor behind you.
On exhale: Return to starting position
On inhale: Extend right leg upward, raising left arm up and over head to floor behind you.
On exhale: Return to starting position.
On inhale, flex foot as leg is raised upward. Knee can remain slightly bent. Low back and sacrum push downward. Chin is down.

Jathara Parivrtti, 4 times each side first part, 6 times each side second part

Lie flat on back, with arms out to sides and with left knee pulled up toward chest. Stretch across hips and back, one side at a time.
On exhale: Twist, bringing left knee toward floor on right side of body while turning head to left.
On inhale: Return to starting position. Repeat four times, then stay in twist, holding left knee with right hand.
On exhale: Twist, bringing right knee toward floor on left side of body while turning head to right.
On inhale: Return to starting position. Repeat four times, then stay in twist, holding right knee with left hand.

On inhale: With palm up, sweep left arm wide along floor toward ear, turning head to center.
On exhale: Lower arm back to side, turning head to left. Repeat six times.
On inhale: With palm up, sweep right arm wide along floor toward ear, turning head to center.
On exhale: Lower arm back to side, turning head to right. Repeat six times.
On exhale, when twisting right, keep angles between left arm and torso and between left knee and torso less than ninety degrees.



Mary Esther Middleton

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